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Protect your investment from malicious project creators, rugpulls, or poor management with Treasury’s Insur program. 

Protect your investment from malicious project creators, rugpulls, or poor management with Treasury’s Insur program.

NOTICE: This page has been archived and is no longer actively maintained or updated. Content here may not reflect our current position or compliance standards and should not be relied upon for future transactions.


We are seeing a lot of what happens in real life also occur in the crypto world. Unfortunately, this includes people with malicious intent who will go to great lengths to lie and deceive in order to rob people of their hard-e earned money. So-called rug-pulls are a scourge to the blockchain.

While many will do their own research, many more fall for the temptation of an airdrop and are drawn in to purchase more only to see their holding in that project collapse when the scammers pull the plug.

Insur will offer holders a degree of protection against such situations whereby people will be able to make a claim for their losses. Holders of $UtiliteX will also have access to regular reports highlighting any red flags identified by our forensic crypto analysts so they get the benefit of the early warning signs.

*The claims will be considered against clearly publicized eligibility criteria which will include but won’t be limited to needing to have had a holding in $UtiliteX for a minimum qualifying period prior to any claim, and any claim being made not being for a Token we had previously identified as a red flag project.